Our customized intensive curriculum will enable you to learn Italian in an accelerated yet enjoyable way.
It does not include reading alone, indeed, writing and speaking skills are taught on par to what is offered at educational institutions in Italy.
We have a total of 8 levels from which you can learn and graduate from.
The moment you complete the curriculum, you can make your dreams come true.
All About Me
Level 1: Absolute Beginner [9 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
By the end of this course, students will be able to have a general understanding of Italian language and be able to participate in basic conversations. The first four weeks are dedicated to the aspects of listening, reading, and writing the Italian alphabet correctly, vocabularies for greetings and to improve pronunciation intensively. In the second half of the course, students will be able to form sentences Italian and practice conversations at a basic level.
Level 2: Upper Beginners [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
In level 2, students will practice communicating basic but essential phrases needed
for any learner before proceeding further. Topics that are closely related to daily life and experience such as describing familiar objects, people, and places will be covered.
Also, students will practice asking and responding to questions pertaining to weather,
numbers, date and time as well as days of the week.
Furthermore, students will understand basic grammatical structures to express events in the past, negate a statement and make suggestions.
Level 3: Low Intermediate [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
The Level 3 course will cover areas of personal interests and everyday living necessities such as a hobby, leisure, traveling, body parts, transportation, and directions.
After completing this course, students will be able to give reasons, express desires, make plans, give commands, make requests and respond to invitations.
Level 4: Intermediate [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
Students who successfully complete the Level 4 course will be able to deal with situations that may likely arise in personal or public settings such as restaurants, shops, hospitals, and public transportation.
At this level, students will practice describing events, experiences from the past as well as expressing will and decisions. Students will also learn the language used when explaining body symptoms and treatments. Additionally, more topics regarding Italian culture and local life will be covered.
Level 5: Upper Intermediate [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
Level 5 has significant links with topics covered in previous levels. Students will be able to revise, polish their understanding, and produce more complex expression
At this level, students will explore broader contexts such as weather forecasting, sightseeing as well as health and medical conditions.
Students will also learn how to express an action attempt, a past experience, and even a restriction on the action. New language related to local life such as cuisines, groceries, and everyday items at regular place visits will also be introduced in this course.
Level 6: Pre advanced [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
In Level 6, students will learn new vocabulary related to community life, such as school, dorms, and amenities, as well as lost and found. Students will be able to comprehend both concrete and abstract representations of topics and concepts. Additionally, students will learn how to utilize language to communicate their intentions and interests on diverse topics, articulate reasons and causes, modify nouns using adjectives, and appropriately describe actions. Students will also have the opportunity to talk about leisure, community, lost belongings, using amenities, and even describing a person's personality.
Level 7: Advanced [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
In Level 7, students will learn extensive vocabulary to express assumptions, ask or grant permission, make, accept and reject requests, communicate willingness and guesses, as well as use various adverbs. Students will gain the ability to engage in conversational exchanges with others, comprehend information from brochures or advertisements, order food delivery, and make reservations for lodging. Students can also participate in discourses related to shopping, hobbies, emotions and even housing types and structures.
Level 8: Proficient [10 weeks / 1.5 hours Per session]
In Level 8, the focus of the course will be on strengthening vocabulary and grammar appropriate for social and professional contexts as well as practicing different genres of writing. Besides, students will learn how to express their plans and desires, make recommendations, and even understand complex sentences. Students will also be taught how to effectively use language in speech to participate in social events, talk about memories, express gratitude, describe self-improvement, and vacation experiences.